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I’m so glad you’re here! Welcome to my blog (:
Today, I am sharing my story about how I found the World Race, or rather how the World Race found me.

Here’s a little backstory:
In November of 2021, I felt as if God was calling me to Omaha, Nebraska for an amazing job opportunity working at Boystown (BT) Residential Treatment Facility. Prior to moving, I met my best friend, Kiley while working together at a juvenile home in Michigan. In April of 2021, Kiley moved back to Omaha to be with her family. I remember wanting to move because I wanted a change in my life. And, I was missing my best friend. For so many days, I was going to God for guidance. Praying for an apartment, praying for higher pay, praying I would find a job that would help me pay for college. He answered all of my prayers and then some. Kiley called me after starting a job at BT and told me all about tuition reimbursement and a $3 per hour pay raise! I found an apartment with my brother, Joshua very quickly and even won a cash app giveaway for $250. It was unreal! We moved out here and I began working at Boystown for about a year. I had found out tuition reimbursement wasn’t nearly as great as I had thought and could no longer afford college and pay my bills. I was left feeling hopeless and as if I had completely misunderstood God because my work environment was absolutely miserable, I wasn’t going to school, and I moved 600+ miles away from my family for nothing. I began to cry out to God praying for a new job. I was tired of working for a company that didn’t seem to care about my mental well-being. One night, working at BT, I began searching for jobs and showed up. I never really considered being a babysitter or nanny but I applied anyways because I was desperate. Not even a week after making my account, I received many nannying opportunities. I met my family and began working for them full-time. I absolutely fell in love with the job. It hardly feels like work. This family cares for me as if I am their own family. I am still working with them and I am incredibly grateful that I took a leap of faith. This job has allowed me the energy to heal, grow, and ultimately become even closer to God.

So.. how did I get here?
On 05/02/23 my brother and I visited home together. He and I had plans of moving back to Michigan once our lease was up in November. We went to church that Sunday, 05/07/23. Josh had the church pray for us for guidance etc as we are in this season of the unknown. On 5/10/23 my Aunt, Emily had an interview with a nannying agency. She called me to let me know how it went and told me her interviewer mentioned that a lot of younger nannies went on this mission trip for a year, visiting a new country every month. I went to Google and typed in “one-year mission new country every month” and World Race popped up. We chatted about it for a bit. I’ve always thought mission trips were cool but never considered going on one. I applied that night after talking to my mom on the phone about it. A lot of the individual missions were speaking to me. Working with at-risk youth and visiting prisons to share Jesus with them was something I had experience with and also, would LOVE to do. I love giving hope to people and I love loving people! About a week after visiting home I started to fall back into a depression. Feeling stuck and tired of the mundaneness of waking up, working, paying bills, repeating. I talked to Josh about how I was feeling. I told him about this mission trip but it was so expensive and I was going through a financial hardship. He reminded me that “If the Lord wills it, nothing will get in the way” and my hope was restored. On 05/19/23 I started a plan on my bible app called “Release; 10 days to embrace God’s plan for your life.” On 05/22/23, I had a phone interview with Raquel from World Race. On 05/25/23, I had my second interview and was accepted for the World Race. On 5/26/23 I sold my car the same day I listed it. I LOVE this timeline so much because it reminds me how quickly God works and it reminds me that he always hears me and ALWAYS has my back. I never would have thought that moving to Omaha would have led me here and I am so excited to continue pursuing God’s plan for my life. He has done so much for me in such a short amount of time I KNOW he will provide for me before, during, and after this trip.

Today is 06/03/23, and I am overwhelmed with joy for the amount of love and support I have received from places I would have never guessed. God is so good! I am excited to draw closer to him throughout this process. He is just getting started!

Thank you for supporting me, loving me, believing in me, and praying for me. I am so grateful.

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